Baby Boy

Baby Boy
Due: November 22nd, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ultrasound June 21st, 2010

It's perfect how these things turn out. I figured out on Saturday that we had scheduled the ultrasound for the day after father's day, so it was the perfect present for the father to be =). I didn't really want to know the gender of our baby until the baby came, I'd already gone 18 weeks, i could handle 22 more weeks. But me and Jesse weren't agreeing on boy names so we decided to go for it so we could figure out if we even needed to think of any boy names. It turns out we do, we found out today that God's given us a baby boy. I had been hoping for a boy, but now that I think about it, it would have been cool to have a girl to paint her nails, and do her hair, and just do girly stuff together. But I think if it had been a girl, I'd have ended up wanting to have a boy, overall i would have had the same feeling as I'm having now. Our baby is perfectly healthy which is all we really cared about (not the gender) and he was sucking his thumb and he waved at his proud mommy and daddy. I have to go back on August 25th, my dad's birthday, because they're concerned I have placenta previa which is when the placenta is really close to the cervix or over the cervix and if it doesn't move before delivery, I'm going to have to have a csection instead of a vaginal birth, I'm not too concerned though because usually it does by then. When the tech had first said it, i had misunderstood and thought that she had said that the placenta was disconnecting and was freaking out until I asked her to explain it to me. This can't harm the baby (he's perfectly healthy and safe), thank God, I had been scared until she told me what this meant.

I also had a very hard discussion with Jesse today. Basically I had told him that if something happened in delivery and they had to chose between saving me or the baby, for them to save the baby. My mother had said you could always have another baby but you can never have another Beca, but I don't really care as much about myself. I just want my baby to be safe and healthy and when I'm sure he is, I will be okay. I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms in November and be able to care for him and love him just like how my parents cared for and loved me. Thanks for the prayers and I'd love if you continue praying for us it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone knows how to make Boppy Covers and would be interested in making one for the baby, that would be great, you can just message me on facebook. Thanks guys =)

Beca, Jesse, and Baby Valente

Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31st, 2010

Today, I'm fifteen weeks pregnant with my first baby. We don't know the gender of our little miracle yet even though I think it's a boy, i don't know about Jesse, he'd rather wait until we know for sure. So far, my pregnancy's been easy, I wasn't really affected that much by morning sickness but throughout the first trimester, i was constantly attacked by constant and acute back pains and aches and my breasts were constantly sore. I had to lie down a lot and i was always tired. Looking back now though, I'm thankful it was so easy so I was still able to go to school and not have people guess what was going on with 'the goody two shoes' when i actually start showing, it should be funny to hear what these people are going to say. It's good i've never cared what people said or thought about me, after i'm done with school, i'm most likely never going to see these people again, so why let them get to me now?
Jesse's been really good so far during the pregnancy of our baby. He didn't leave me and the baby, and our relationship has actually gotten a lot stronger. We don't fight anymore unless it's over something dumb like baby names and things of the sort. The only thing we're really fighting about is whether or not I'm going to breast feed, his reasoning being the typical boy reason of not wanting me to get all droopy, but i think he's using that excuse so that he won't have to come out to me and say
"Beca, I'm afraid that if you do this, I won't be able to bond with our baby." At least he's agreed that i could for the first three months, and I'm sure he will past this as well. Jesse got a job last month at Maaco, working with cars. My mom was right, I found someone a lot like my own father to share this bond with. We're looking forward to being able to do this together and hopefully stay together as long as we can.
My school, or at least the whole district, has absolutely no options and haven't been helpful at all. The only option they were able to give me was that I would go to school until i couldn't anymore and with a doctor's note get home tutored by a teacher the city would pay for until 6-8 weeks after the baby was born. Then, in exact words from my guidance counsuler, "My mother would watch the baby." Well thanks for assuming, Ms. B, because I'm not doing that. So right now, my options are getting my GED, getting homeschooled, or doing online school. It's so dumb because I only need 10 more credits to graduate. I have until August 30th to decide because that's the day we're going back to school next year. i don't think I'd be able to go back because Jesse and I are both afraid of the number of kids who attend my school and the amount of stairs that I could potentially fall on. Whatever happens, I need to do whats best for my baby.
I had my last doctors appointment a few weeks ago, at twelve weeks I believe it was. Had a pelvic exam which was slightly uncomfortable and awkward, and most importantly, I got to hear the heartbeat of my little miracle that will be arriving somewhere near November 22nd. Hearing that little heartbeat that was at 169 bpm made my pregnancy a lot more real and I don't doubt it anymore, it's realistic that this is happening now. Jesse and my mom went to the appointment and I got seven huge vials of blood taken. My mother laughed when she heard i wasn't afraid of giving birth but I hated the needles that would come. I found out a few days later that I'd have to resubmit two vials because THEY messed up and didn't check them in enough time so the results were invalid. Have to love doctors. I'll probably due that June 7th because that's my next appointment, and the appointment after that is when I'll be able to get my first ultrasound and find out what I'm having. I'm so excited to be able to place a name on my baby and to be able to buy gender specific bedding and clothing. Please keep me, Jesse, and the baby in your prayers =)